What should Research Assistants keep in mind when submitting loan requests?
You will find an overview on how to submit an interlibrary loan (ILL) on our website. The following are additional tips for Research Assistants on this process.
Follow Copyright guidelines
If multiple chapters of a book are wanted, request a loan of the book rather than copies of the chapters.
Tell us you are a Research Assistant and any other relevant details
Adding a note in your request such as "RA, any language, can wait" or just "RA" lets the ILL staff know the item requested is wanted regardless of what language it is or how long it will take. Leaving out this information delays your request processing.
Coordinate with other Research Assistants on your team
If multiple people are working on the same project, having some method of tracking submitted requests is a good idea in order to reduce duplication of requests. Try using a group Mendeley folder or a shared Google Drive document to keep organized.
Need help? Contact ILL staff: illacmr@mtroyal.ca or (403) 440-6133