Answered By: Matt Laidlow
Last Updated: Nov 20, 2024     Views: 19

May I upload a PDF of an article or any similar work I obtained through the Library’s catalogue to D2L for my students to read?

While there may be good reasons to upload articles to D2L, it is important to consider that doing so may mean that your students do not have the most recent version of the article. It is not unusual for publishers to make corrections or changes, such as adding supplementary material, to articles after initial publication. If such changes are made after a copy has been uploaded they will not be reflected in that copy. A direct link is the best way to ensure access to the most recent version of an article. Linking to the article also allows the Library to track use and obtain data about the importance of a particular journal to the campus. 

That said, the licenses for some e-journals provided by the Library allow instructors to upload articles into secure learning management systems (LMS) such as D2L. In the library catalogue, look in the "Access It" section and click "Show license" to see the details about what is permitted for that specific resource. 

Linking to and uploading Library resources can be managed in the Library’s Reading List Tool

The same cannot be said for external websites (outside of D2L). The licenses generally do not permit you to upload to a website, or create links on a website that is not part of the University’s secure network, and that is open to the world at large. None of the licenses that the Library has with publishers allows for uploading to, or linking from, websites that allow access without authentication.

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