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Last Updated: Jul 29, 2023     Views: 75

Where can I find information on using Turnitin text matching software at MRU?

Turnitin similarity software is used by some instructors in specific classes at Mount Royal University.

More information: 

  • MRU’s Academic Development Centre (ADC) has a page on Turnitin here. This page links to MRU’s Matching Software Policy, a simplified, friendly version of the policy, training videos for instructors and students on the tool, and a sample syllabus statement.
  • Turnitin also has its own documentation for instructors and students.
  • Connect with the ADC to discuss pedagogical approaches to using Turnitin text matching software in your class.

Note about text-matching software: These products, including Turnitin, do not detect plagiarism. There are legitimate reasons for matching text to appear in an assignments meaning Turnitin alone, without human review and judgement, cannot be used to detect plagiarism or conclusively identify problematic text.  Students using Turnitin with draft assignments can receive and review Similarity reports to help improve their writing, citing and paraphrasing. Instructors may review the report to see if there are any areas where where student feedback is warranted.

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