Answered By: MRU Library Last Updated: Sep 14, 2020 Views: 71
Making Positive Affirmations
Physical Items
Ryan, M. (2009). Adaptability : how to survive change you didn’t ask for (1st ed.). New York: Broadway Books.
BF335 .R94 2009
Dietrich, A. (2015). How creativity happens in the brain . Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
BF408 .D54 2015
Johnson, S. (2010). Where good ideas come from : the natural history of innovation . New York: Riverhead Books.
BF408 .J64 2010
Hargrave, J. (2016). Mind hacking : how to change your mind for good in 21 days (First Gallery Books hardcover edition.). New York: Gallery Books.
BF441 .H37 2016
Sand, I., & Sokol, N. (2017). The emotional compass : how to think better about your feelings . London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
BF561 .S263 2017
Jeffers, S. (2000). Feel the fear, and beyond : dynamic techniques for doing it anyway . London: Vermillion.
BF575.F2 J43 2000
Jeffers, S. (1989). Feel the fear and do it anyway . New York: Fawcett Columbine.
BF575.F2 J44 1988
Molinary, R. (2010). Beautiful you : a daily guide to radical self-acceptance . Berkeley, Calif: Seal.
BF697.5 S43 M65 2010
Klaus, P. (2004). Brag! : the art of tooting your own horn without blowing it (First trade edition.). New York: Business Plus.
BF697.5 S44 K53 2004
Alman, B., & Montgomery, S. (2011). The voice : overcome negative self-talk and discover your inner wisdom . New York: Sterling Ethos.
BF697.5 S47 A46 2011
Porter, K. (2003). The mental athlete . Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics.
GV706.4 P57 2003
Whybrow, P. (2015). The well-tuned brain : neuroscience and the life well lived (First edition.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
RC338 .W49 2015
Leibow, D. (2010). What to do when college is not the best time of your life . New York: Columbia University Press.
RC451.4 S7 L45 2010
Pascucci, M. (2009). Campus calm university : the college student’s 10-step blueprint to stop stressing & create a happy, purposeful life . Lancaster, N.Y: Campus Calm University Press.
RC451.4 S7 P37 2009
Schnider, A. (2018). The confabulating mind : how the brain creates reality (Second edition.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
RC455.2 F35 S36 2018
Wahler, H. (1990). Breaking vicious circles : low confidence, depression, failures, fears .. . Sumner, Wash: Sky Island Press.
RC537.W3 1990
Rutledge, T. (2002). Embracing fear : and finding the courage to live your life (1st ed.). San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.
BF575.F2 R87 2002
Pillay, S. (2010). Life unlocked : 7 revolutionary lessons to overcome fear . New York: Rodale.
BF575.F2 P55 2010
Foxman, P. (2006). Dancing with fear : controlling stress and creating a life beyond panic and anxiety (2nd ed.). Alameda, Calif: Hunter House Inc., Publishers.
BF575.A6 F68 2006
Cuddy, A. (2015). Presence : bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges (First edition.). New York: Little, Brown and Company.
BF575.S39 C83 2015
Rollag, K. (2016). What to do when you’re new : how to be comfortable, confident, and successful in new situations . New York: Amacom.
BF575.S39 R65 2016