Littlebits are a plug and play learning electronic assembly tool that allows a builder to quickly create a circuit without having to solder or worry about directions of electrical flow.
- Materials: Materials aren't required, but objects such as wheels, or other electronics can be used in your project.
- Software: N/A
- File types: N/A
- Machine details: N/A
- Production time: dependent on the project scale
- Consider the goal of your circuit (Flashing LED, a sound goes off, etc) and write it as a planning sentence
- Work backwards from your output by connecting littlebits, towards the power source.
- example:
- If you used “AND” in your sentence: you require a “Fork” bit
- If you used “OR” in your sentence: you require a “Latch” bit
- If you used “WHEN” or “AFTER” in your sentence: you require an input bit
- Example Sentence:
- A light is turned on WHEN it is dark
- A light = LED
- WHEN it is dark = Light Detecting Input