Answered By: MRU Library
Last Updated: Sep 15, 2020     Views: 337

Laser Cutting Instructions

  1. In Adobe Illustrator, ensure your document is in RGB Colour Mode
  2. Ensure your colour picker is also in RGB MODE
    1. Select the stroke Colour Menu (Click on the stroke colour picker box) OR: if you don’t see the colour menu, click “Window > Colour” or press F6 >
    2. On the box that appears, click on the three line button on the top right >
    3. Click on RGB

  3. Cutting Lines
    After drawing, or creating your object to be cut, any line that you want cut must follow these rules:Step 4: Engraving Objects Any objects/Shapes that you want engraved must follow these rules:
    1. Stroke Colour: Must be 255 RED (R255,G0,B0)b >
    2. Fill Colour: Must be “NONE”
    3. Stroke Thickness: Must be 0.001

  4. Engraving Objects
    Any objects/Shapes that you want engraved must follow these rules:
    • The Stroke and Fill colour must be set to RGB 255 Blue. (R0,G0,B255)
    • Stroke must be set to 0.5 or higher

EXTRA: Dithering, Engraving images

Dithering takes a greyscale image and converts it to a collection of dots (Lots of dots will be black, small amount of dots will be light grey)

Converting your document to greyscale

  • Ensure your cutlines are on a seperate layer from your dithered image
  • Create your cutlines using step 3 in this document
  • Lock your cutline layer before continuing on the next step
  • After your colour document is finished, Select all objects (CTRL+A or COMMAND+A)
  • Go to “Edit” Then “Edit Colours” and then “Convert to greyscale”

CSS Styles